De geheimen van Barslet / The secrets of Barslet 2012 Storyboard

Tijdens het draaien van 'De geheimen van Barslet' heb ik altijd kleine schetsjes gemaakt van de shots die Remco Bakker (de cameraman) en ik voor ogen hadden. Al tekenend kwam de scène tot leven en konden we bepalen wat we nodig hadden en wat de scène naar een hoger plan kon tillen. De schetsjes zijn nooit opgeschoond of uitgewerkt, als wij ze konden begrijpen dan was dat voldoende.
During the shoot of "The Secrets of Barslet" I've always made small sketches of the shots that Remco Bakker (the cameraman) and I had in mind. While drawing, the scene came to life so we could determine what was needed and what could make the scene more specific. The sketches are never cleaned-up or refined, if we could understand them it was enough.
During the shoot of "The Secrets of Barslet" I've always made small sketches of the shots that Remco Bakker (the cameraman) and I had in mind. While drawing, the scene came to life so we could determine what was needed and what could make the scene more specific. The sketches are never cleaned-up or refined, if we could understand them it was enough.